Hi Zion-li here from Room 22. SLJ
The new impossible burger has 4 patties and then has cheese in between each and then lettuce on top and then tomato at the bottom. less more calories than the normal impossible burger.
Monday, 16 December 2019
Friday, 13 December 2019
Why women should get payed the same than man
Hi Zion-li here from Room 22. SLJ
I think women should get the same amount of money than men because then its not fair to the people who do hard work that are women people. people should get treated fairly so I think Yes they should get the same amount of money than man.
I think women should get the same amount of money than men because then its not fair to the people who do hard work that are women people. people should get treated fairly so I think Yes they should get the same amount of money than man.
Hi Zion-li from Room 22. SLJ.
If I was principal I would make people do home work on paper when you are very good you get to only go on math games on your chrome book for 5 minutes. when you go out to lunch break you aren't allowed to play with balls only on the field. Friday will be free time day on chrome books and also people are allowed to share lunch.
If I was principal I would make people do home work on paper when you are very good you get to only go on math games on your chrome book for 5 minutes. when you go out to lunch break you aren't allowed to play with balls only on the field. Friday will be free time day on chrome books and also people are allowed to share lunch.
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Week 8 writing The madman
Ordinary people couldn't row a boat through the desert. The Sandman, however, was not an ordinary person.. he was a mad man he was like a spirit but he did look creepy I mean he has crosses on his eyes and rowing an boat in the middle of the dessert and has green apples in the middle of the boat. But I think and shiver and wonder at the same time. He was so creepy,scary,weird. like he just died but just right in front of me. suddenly he disappeared
Week 8 writing. High in the sky
Who would of thought being stuck on the wing would be so much fun I also wonder how we got on top of here. Oh well at least were OK so that works. I wonder" anxiously to myself will we ever get down, its a very long fall we will break a lot of bones or probably even die, hope somebody notices us at least, although i'm" enjoying it a lot so it works for me. ooh look at that there are flocks of pigeon's and sea gulls all types of bird's so pretty yet so scary" what look theirs a storm coming we will get swept of here in a blink of an eye. suddenly a air craft person noticed us and then flew down to the floor when they reached the ground they landed in a nice country farm the kids hoped off all they could say is sorry.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Saturday, 7 December 2019
Week 4 term 4 writing.
it was the smell of smoke that drew him towards the door. feeling frighted wondering what his wife will think.He ran in the living room like a flash of light and started chucking things at the fire trying to put it but he did something wrong he threw wood at it and then the fire grew bigger and bigger than he has ever seen a fire go before. But when his wife got home she immediately called the fire department and told them it has got worse the fire burnt through the floor so the fire department had to install a new floor and they had to pay 500 dollars.
Friday, 6 December 2019
Hi Zion-li here from Room 22.
Despite everything, he still had hope for the future. Sitting on an rusty old bench waiting in the dark, Henry sat thinking back to a long long long time ago when everything was alive not just a pink crumpled up flower.
He wondered to himself, sobbed to him self in regret of not being there for his family - his wife and his daughter. While he thinks quietly to him self he thinks of all the good times he had with them, Still thinking he hears flickering of the lamp posts behind him. As he lets go of the flower he lets go of the memory and tries to be happy again. He is scared that he will regret letting go.
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Cultural festival
Hi Zion-li here from Room 22. I think that the Cultural festival was very fun me and Joyce just went around to the food vans and we got slushie and hot chips and donuts we are in Kapa Haka then Cook island group next it was very cool.
I saw some kids from different schools that I went to camp with. My favorite part was the Niue'n group the day was great very proud of my self and my friends when the Cook island group went on there we're some technical difficulties but we did it any way. I found that it was very intense and hot but we made it through the day. Blog ya later
I saw some kids from different schools that I went to camp with. My favorite part was the Niue'n group the day was great very proud of my self and my friends when the Cook island group went on there we're some technical difficulties but we did it any way. I found that it was very intense and hot but we made it through the day. Blog ya later
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Albert Eden day.
Today was very cool and very hot but fun all my friends and some of my other best friends like Honey room 25 Joyce room 8 and then Emycyn from room 7. We played around a lot but we had some arguments with Glad Stone, but it was fun we cheered and did a great. My best friend and her little sister Me and Ariella-Brooke did shot put hopefully we get another chance next year to compete. Blog ya later
Monday, 18 November 2019
Friday, 15 November 2019
Thursday, 14 November 2019
The epic journey Week 3
Its epic journey was only the beginning. A baby turtle emerging out of his shell.Suddenly birds from every were trying to eat the baby turtle it's scared lonely it just wants to get into the sea.His brothers and sisters are scared like him thinking lightly to him self I can do it. I crack the egg and then I start running and running till I reach the ocean. Yay I made it.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Time traveler writing 2
Bravely I would save the earth from destruction with rubbish every were turtles are ding people are polluting the Earth so I would make a effort on saving the Earth from it.
The clock was the key to everything; the key to moving through time and space the thinking to my self in doubt wondering could I make the present now turn into a clean healthy environment. Suddenly a young boy with his family was had nothing besides a dead cat no food no water there starving to death so I set out to find food.
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
In the Deep
Wow. I am wondering exactly what is happening I'm shivering like a vibrating phone when somebody rings you. Suddenly the beast figure closed its mouth and swam faster than I've ever seen it do before I'm staring and staring thinking is that beast really a beast so I go up to it and the beast opened it's mouth back up. I took a deep breath and swim in side as fast as a person getting chased by eel so terrified will he close his mouth or will he leave it open so scared. When I was done I swam out as fast as I can that was fun I thought to my self all I really did in there was just clean the inside.
Blog ya later
Blog ya later
Monday, 11 November 2019
The great drain game
Hi Zion-li here from Room 22. Today we played the Great drain game it was fun we got into groups first it was Me,Finley,Ariella-Brooke,Zac,,Gina,Luca,Eli,Keane. We were first at the caravan so we looked at a model of a place were there are drains that lead to the Water waste treatment plant and a drain leading to the ocean. So they had bottles and bags of rubbish and up on the counter there was a fake drain A toilet a rubbish bin and a sink. They gave us rubbish and liquid in side bottles and we had to put it in either one and when we got to the right one everybody said yes. When somebody went to the wrong one we said boo it was very interesting I learnt that in side your house like showers and sinks lead, Water waste treatment plant and drains out side lead to the Ocean.After that we.
Had a lesson about the Ocean and the pollution first the lady divided us it was Me,Gina,Zac,Luca first at the VR it was so cool seeing lots of birds and sea animals the other people in our group talked about our water lands the lady showed us a little model of the water lands she mixed cement and drain water it looked like juice but with little pieces of dirt just floating in it when she tip'ed it in the water came out cleaner than it was before the VR talked about rubbish bits taking about 100 year's to disintegrate and also to not throw my rubbish every were the picture's on the VR were so amazing there were sharks there was whales,different kinds of fish so cool.
We also went around the school looking for drains we had to get in to teams of two first we went and looked for drains everywhere
and we also had a map of the school were we find a drain we draw a dot were it is on the map it was quite hard were we put a dot but we managed to get 24 drains in the school I learnt that drains are and looked for drains everywhere i learnt that drains are very important to the environment.I hope you enjoyed blog ya later.
Friday, 8 November 2019
the never ending tunnel.
Hi Zion-li here from Room 22 enjoy
Day 1: The Never-ending Tunnel
Thinking Nervously never finding my way out
but suddenly i observed a big round old rustic door in front of me but suddenly A little mouse came and starting talking to me about how to get out of the never ending tunnel It said if you wish to leave this tunnel you have to travel to the castle of doom and get the key but threes a king his name is king doom he keeps the key in his bed room safe but his castle has over 500,000 guards in the castle once you get to the castle you have to knock one of the guards out and dress |
week 3 writing
Hi Zion-li from Room 22 this is my Writing enjoy
.Water began to puddle at her feet. Like a bucket of water. She thought she was going to get sucked in to the umbrella she thinks its magical but really she is just dreaming she had a magical umbrella.The Big white fluffy clouds. And rain drops the size as your hand so big.The sky is dark but suddenly it went bright as a shiny car when some one just washes a car in the sun.
.Water began to puddle at her feet. Like a bucket of water. She thought she was going to get sucked in to the umbrella she thinks its magical but really she is just dreaming she had a magical umbrella.The Big white fluffy clouds. And rain drops the size as your hand so big.The sky is dark but suddenly it went bright as a shiny car when some one just washes a car in the sun.
About Athletics.
Hi Zion-li from Room 22. I think Athletics was great, fun, exhausting, hot, tired. but we had fun rotating two different activities like shot put disks high jump long jump but there was girls group and a boy group there was a girl group . The girl group went first in running there was 800 meters and 400 meters 400 meters was only for year 6 girls only took a long time until the girls and the boy had to swap but year 3 with year 3, and year 4 with year 4 ,year 5 with year 5, and year 6 with year 6 first we did discus i'm not very good at discus but I tried. second one was long jump not so great at it but I nearly made it but I did'int next was shot put my favorite activity it was fun I came second for shot put in year 5 girls . Then the last high jump I did'int even do it my leg was hurting. But on the way back so hot and excruciating long when we got back we waited till the bell rang and we all went home when I got home I took a very cold shower. Blog ya later.
Owairaka members favorite holiday.
My prediction was that Christmas was going to get the most votes. my prediction was right I thought it was fun running around the school asking kids
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Friday, 1 November 2019
week 2 writing hopes dreams gone
Hi Zion-li here from Room 22
Hopes and dreams destroyed, I leave my home in ruins. Hoping I can find another home.Riding along the path on a big elephant sad lost thinking were am I going to go but suddenly a big mountain loomed over me like how candy looms over in your hand when you hold it and eat it . Thinking could this be my new home.I walked forward to the mountain hoping can it be then we found a little cottage on top of the steep hill with beautiful flowers thinking of my last home...
week two writing The Giant Troll.
Hi Zion-li from Room 22. Enjoy. They had arrived out of the blue, catching everyone completely unaware Observing a big hairless monster , all wet from the ocean , with trees on his head it was a giant troll run for your lives but one little girl noticed that he had tears coming down because everybody thought he was ugly.the giant troll said you don’t have to run I'm friendly I just want a friend the little girl went up to it and said my name is Bella nice to meet you Bella my name Bill i would love to be your friend...
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Players for countries charts
Friday, 25 October 2019
Rugby World Cup Winner Prediction 2019
We had to go around the school and ask people New Zealand, Wales, England or South Africa who's going to win Rugby world cup. Most people said New Zealand.
I got really tired at the end .
1 tip is do not fake the marks or you will get in trouble. another tip is do not ask the same person again. I found adding the bar graph together was pretty tricky because all squashed Blog ya later.
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Holiday writing
Hi I'm Zion-li from Room 22 .The first thing I did Was going to camp and some of my family and church friends so we left at 4 o'clock and picked them up we got there at seven o'clock it was so dark we unpacked and went into the church and worshiped. The Lord by saying the Lords Prayer and a bible verse. And then we had supper coconut rice yum ice cream yum and then we got to play volley ball ping pong so fun then we had a bomb fire with melted marsh mellows so yummy and fluffy then bed time not really bed time all we did was talk and eat snacks we were all on a sugar rush we stayed up till 2 in the morning.
I was on break feast duty that's when we go help make break feast so yum eggs bacon toast spaghetti. Then we had free time and played full on rugby so hurt full but very fun. then we did activities and went for showers and we went to the beach just next to camp when we got there we went swimming for a little bit until started raining so we went back we went for another shower then lunch time. So good then we did games and then dinner time chicken potato's. then we played man hunt then bed time then we had break feast and packed our bags and left and dropped every body off so fun.
The next day I went to White Sunday practice it was all holiday then it got to white Sunday long to long but it was good we sang songs did plays and bible verses it was fun then we went home got church cloths ready for school and watched movies and bed time. This is my holiday Blog ya later.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Said is dead
Insert words instead of said to convey the meaning of the sentence
"It's wonderful! cried Franny.
“Stop that!” Rowena screamed.
“Did I upset her in some way?” __sobbed.______ Lucas.
“It’s your fault” ____yelled_____ Mason
“We need to get out of here quickly,” Finley ____exclaimed_____
“I like that!” _sang________ Sarah
“Give that back to me now!” Ava _commanded____________
“I don’t want to go in there” ____angrely________ Saana
“SIT DOWN!” Mrs O’Shea _____screeched______
“Can I please borrow a pen?” Kody ____cried ________
“Hey! Come over here!” ______insisted____ Rutva
“What shall we do now?” ___wispered______ Tamati
“I’m sorry” Marley ___grubed________
“Has anybody seen my lunchbox?” __proclaimed_________James
“Watch out!” Ariella-Brooke __yoddled__________
“Oh, you gave me a fright!” ____scrambled____________ Zac
“Let’s go this way then Mrs O’Shea might not see us” ___Rushed_________ Matilda
“I can’t believe it!” Mansour _____________
Make a poster with some cool ‘instead of said’ words and put it on your blog
Monday, 16 September 2019
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